Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Where's the "W"?

Dokh Vinno-Grahd is what its called here. And it comes with the forces of a thousand storms! Snow in the north, not by us we’re only 325 meters above sea level, and too close to the coast I suspect. Snow in Jerusalem as well, and the plows are on the ready lest the “Totsa’ot” of the sacred committee’s work. Whatever the ultimate conclusion, it is certainly a welcome quirk of a society of getting to the bottom of things. I mean, how many years will it be before anyone of the scoundrels responsible for the Iraq mess will be written up in a government inquiry into the war and its failures.

There are a few outstanding questions which will be answered by the report. More questions for certain. A big one seems to be the nature of the last 60 hours of the war when Israel took whopping casualties. We can hope for better knowledge about that, but is it really in the interest of national security that we launder all of it publicly? Follow this with the expensive chaos of an election, and it just seems that some things shouldn’t be for public consumption if the public doesn’t know how to take it. It is my belief that Israelis do know how to take it, even if they like making a mess along the way. I don’t think that this report will bring down Olmert, and God save us if it does!

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