Monday, October 29, 2007

Idiot Amir's son

Next week, on the 4th of November, a couple of things will occur. One will be the 12th anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin z"l. Not enough can be said to describe the utter sadness of this occasion, for the other thing that will happen is that there's gonna be a bris! And I've got good mind to crash that party, and let it be known to the rest what I think of that child of vanity and arrogance.

Let me explain. When someone kills someone else, they technically deserve to die (lex talionis). Being the enlightened and western people that we are, we reserve capitol punishment for Nazi types like Adolph Eichman for instance. So when a murderer, particularly of this caliber, is encarcerated, he doesn't get to read fan mail, he should not be allowed to meet new people, he certainly should not be allowed to propogate and procreate and all the fun that comes with it! No! He is a walking, waking, sleeping, lonely, dead man waiting for the day of his death. I don't accept any argument that gives him any rights whatsoever! Certainly not to glibly smirk in his cell on the day of his child's birth!


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